SAD Entertainment Recording Studios Community Support
Mission Statement
Respecting our progression towards our initial goals of keeping our services accessible and affordable to creatives and in consideration to the opening of our second location, we are thrilled to announce that we are opening our services to educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and communal/social service organizations at reduced or entirely eliminated rates (contact us for more information). This commitment to our community is a cornerstone of our mission.
We aim to provide professional, credible facilities to youth, students, and underprivileged communities regardless of financial status to best serve and creatively stimulate our community and its people.
Hosting a private, one one one lecture with a student at our previous commercial location.
Our Goals
At conception, SAD Entertainment Inc. was founded in hopes to provide our Calgary community with an unparalleled, discrimination free recording experience. As we’ve grown, constructed multiple commercial locations, and aged with our industry, we’ve recognized the importance of connecting with all corners of Calgary and its communities.
Due to the roadblocks that new, self funded, locally owned business’ encounter - offering the services we’d initially envisioned has been a challenge. However, now that our new studio is finalized and opened, we figure there is no better time than now to extend our hands out to marginalized communities, non-profit institutions, charities and other communal hero’s and join their ranks.
A recent community event held at our new Flint Road location.
Contact Information
Please contact for any communications regarding communal discounts.